It’s Five Years in the Making...Happy Anniversary HIVE!

This summer of 2021 has marked Hive Advisory Inc. (“HIVE”)’s five year anniversary…we are extremely proud of our past achievements, this particular milestone and excited for what’s to come.

We expect the HIVE Network to continue to grow, moreover, with the recent expansion within our service lines and industry sectors, we look forward to servicing new clients on new mandates…all with an emphasis of continued excellence.

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A special thanks to HIVE’s Clients, Hive Advisors and HIVE’s Advisory Board, as well as HIVE’s strategic partners that make the company a growing success ! The future is bright at HIVE !

As HIVE’s success lies in providing real value; experienced advice; and formidable service to HIVE Clients, we thank the many supporters for their continued interest into 2021 !

- Hive Advisory Inc.